Travellers By Scooter
I saw the arrival yesterday afternoon of a trio of travellers who had made the journey from Bristane on scooters. Mr. and Mrs. W. Robinson rode a two seater, and sister C. A. Webster rode solo. They were very sensibly clad in warm slacks, long travelling coats, gloves, and mufflers, and had found the journey very cold, but mostly enjoyable. It was their first time over the road and considered the road good, although as they said, a scooter only needs a good track.
Mr. Robinson is president of the Scooter Club in Brisbane, and the trip up took about six hours. They planned to stay at an hotel overnight and to visit Pialba today, before taking off for Bundaberg where Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will spend a fortnight's holiday. Sister Webster intends to scoot from Bundaberg to Springsure; she is on leave from the Marooma Private Hospital, Brisbane. The Lambretta's they were riding, seemed very comfortable, and they certainly are economical, for on inquiring, I learned that the two-seater had carried the two passengers from Brisbane on a gallon and a half of' petrol. — 'JANE.' |
Around Australia...or on a Baker's Run..
Lambretta PROVES ITS WORTH ! Keith Batten's amazing trip 'round Australia . . . Mr. J. Fisher's de livery of over 1.400 loaves of bread weekly on one gallon of petrol . . : the ease and comfort of travel . . . ALL prove the Lambretta's worth in performance, economy . and reli ability. For business or pleasure YOU too. will find the Lambretta Motor Scooter an ideal vehicle. Call, 'phone or write TO-DAY for free literature This incurs no obligation.
B8903 MERCHANDISERS Ply. Ltd. 62 Wickham St., (Opp. Centenary Park) Brisbane |
MORE POWER More power, without sacrificing economy, is offered, in the new series LD Lambretta motor scooters. The very smooth, high- .revving 125 c.c. two-stroke engine has deeper finning to ensure cool running even under severe conditions. Gear transmission to the rear wheel by torsion bar is retained, as this system has proved efficient in guarding the engine and gearbox against road shocks and sudden power variations. Thus the engine, gearbox. transmission and rear wheel form a unit which swings on a strong pivot incorporated in the frame. A most practical feature is a filter that ensures that only clean petrol is fed to the carburetter, thus preventing clogging up. Recent surprising performances of the Lam bretta include: SPEED: Flying mile at 125.519 m.p.h. (with streamlined model on a German autostrada; new world record for this class). ECONOMY: 366.4 miles on one gallon of petrol (in a West Australian petrol consumption test). Normal performance of the owner-ridden Lam bretta is 45-50 m.p.h. maximum and about 140 m.p.g. |
CHAMPIONSHIP MOTOR RACING AT MAREEBA LARGE CROWD ATTENDS Approximately 1400 spectators lined the war-time airstrip at Mareeba to see tue combined motor car-motor cycle championships presented by the Sports Car Club of North
Queensland and the Cairns Motor Cycle Club during Easter. Some exciting racing was witnessed-there were no accidents and the crowd was well controlled. In the sidecar championship. Dave Robson, of Cairns, with Nick Barko as passenger, scored a win from R Woodcraft and Jim MacRoth. The combined lightweight and ultra-lightweight race over the sidecar course resulted in a win for the tiny Lambretta motor scooter driven by Wavne Robertson. In the McBride trophy race for cars three of the Townsville Car Club's members competed, driving Morris Minors. They were "Snowy" Gasper, George Horwood and Keith FT The cars were in stock touring trim and had just completed a three day long distance rally. Results were: W Allis XK120 Jaguar 1, Keith Fry Morris Minor 2. "Snowy" Gast>?r Morris Minor 3. Time 8.58 The Ronald's Trophy for visiting drivers was won by K Fry with G. Horwood second and "Snowy" Gasper third. The Junior airstrip championship for motor-cycles was halted when an Auster aircraft landed a passenger on the strip. The race was re-run and resulted in a clear cut win for Bill Wardle (Innisfail) from Nick Barko (Cairrns) and Bob Pearce (Innisfail) The All-Powers Novice race for competitors who had not raced previouslv refitted Cedric Bav (Mareeba) 1 Roy Brennan 2 and Johnny Vigor 3 . MAIN EVENT OF D.AY The main car event to the day the Mareeba Airstrip championship over a distance of 25 miles saw W. Allis in the XK120 Jaguar concede 7 minutes 50 seconds to the limit man R. Cali of Innisfail. Driving with considerable dash Allis came horns a comfortable winner from Tom Bird T.C. Series M.a. in second place with Jim Grey third. Allis* time for the 25 aii'e.« has 24 minutes 26 seconds. In the senior motor cycle championship the field got away to a massed start and provided a thrilling spectacle as they fought for leadership over th* 10 mile course. The winner in a race of changing fortunes was G. Lanean, of Mareeba, on a Tl*er 100., with C. Presttumas ( Triumph! second and Jerry Eustace of the R-AAJ*. on an AJS. 500 third. The Watty Bettrklee Trophy for cars resulted: W. Allis ÍXK120 Jaguar-» 1. T. H Bird (T.C. Serlps M.G:» 2. Jim Grey [ fPeiwot) 3. IThe unlimited airstrlo championship for the W. Lons iTronh" i for motor cycles "saw a line un : of extremely rapid maohinerv «md resulted In a win for vick flvfro (Calms) with D. Robson of Cairns, and T*nv Togovl'-h on a Motmuzzi third. Tn the Bartrrav* Tropbv race for motor mrs. Wat*^ Bert*''«"' (Cairns) defeated Tom B1rd bv a narrow marein with Jim G««r in third place. The final cent, the .Term Godfrev Tronhv. for motor .ivcles resulted In s win f(Tr Arthur Edwards íCalrm» wlíh TOUT TJe^wi',h second and .Terry içncface third. Th* Moreena ©.A.Tn. Benefited from the meeting. |
Put Yourself
in this picture with a LAMBRETTA MOTOR SCOOTER Imagine the thrill of starting a motor, of setting a machine in motion and gliding off as free as the breeze to any place at all.
Feel the air brush against your face and see the mile posts fly past. It's great - and YOU can know all these thrills (and many more) when you own a sparkling streamlined Lambretta. Any Lambretta owner will tell you of the sense of freedom, independence, and companionship. He'll tell you too, of Lambretta's unfailing reliability - its sheer economy (4 miles for 1d) and safety! Call in for a free demonstration ride on the new 1954 models Tomorrow Morning! |
AUSTRALIA on a LAMBRETTA 9,000 miles round Australia on a similar route to the 1954 Redex Trial earned Keith Batten of Sydney, riding a Lambretta 3rd. place in a World Wide Reliability Contest. Pulling over 100 lbs. in extra gear and equipment he averaged 100 m.p.g. You, too, can experience the same reliability, economy and safety when you own a sparkling, streamlined LAMBRETTA. . Call in for a free demonstration ride on the latest model,Tomorrow morning. MERCHANDISERS PTY. LTD. 62 WICKHAM ST.. VALLEY Phone B8903 |
The motor cycle, whether a big four-clinger luxury machine
or one of the little motor scooters now becoming so popular, provides convenient, reliable and economical transport. A new series Lambretta motor scooter now is available — the 125 F. The standard 125 F model has many improvements over the previous series. Most notable is a stepping up of consumption figures from an average of 140 m.p.g. to 190 m.p.g. The scooter has been lightened by nearly 30 lb. and now weighs 132 lb. The engine is the 125 c.c. two-stroke of sturdy design similar to the' power unit of previous models. It has an in-line crankshaft. New features include finger-tip adjustments for the front brake, clutch, gear selection (two, fine and rough adjustment), and the clutch throw-out. These can be done by the owner. Rear suspension is by torsion bar and at front by progressive helical springs. The front trailing links have been replaced by leading links to improve brake efficiency. Price is £159/10/, including tax. The Huntsmaster (TOP) is the new addition to the Ariel range for 1954. A 650 c.c. ohv. vertical twin, it features duplex frame and swinging arm rear suspension. Price- is £342/10/, inc. tax. The Triumph Tiger Cub (MIDDLE) has a 200 c.c. ohv. with four speed gear box and is the sporting version of the recently introduced Terrier model. A lightweight machine, it features all the refinements of the Triumph range. It has telescopic front forks with plunger-type rear suspension and is fully electrically equipped. Economy in the region of 140 m.p.g! is obtainable from this new model. Price £192/10/. The Triumph Tiger 110 (BOTTOM) is the sports -version of the famous 650 c.c. ohv. vertical twin. Thunder- bird. Fitted with new swinging arm rear suspension, and high performance motor, the machine was originally produced for the enthusiast who requires high performance and comfort. Price is £349/10/, inc. tax, |
Big Field for
reliability run Kedron Motor Cycle Club expects a field of 40 to contest a two=day, 270 mile reliability trial next weekend.
Riders will leave Centennial Place at 1:30pm Saturday for a 130 mile run with secret controls to Hayden, 30 miles north-west of Toowoomba. They will stay overnight and will return to Brisbane by a secret route on Sunday Features of the trial are: No night riding; entry of 12 Lambrettas from Brisbane Motor Scooter Club. Toowoomba Downs and Ipswich Clubs are helping out with men for secret controls. Entries close Tuesday with Kedron Club secretary Kev Baker, Rode Road, Wavell Heights (MU3595) |
No Image, but mention of 8 Lambretta arriving in Mount Isa in January as part of a convoy. Source: